Education in Equatorial Guinea
The Equatorial Guinea has approved general law on education in 1994. The education system designed to fulfill the knowledge need of entire population. The education law not only focuses on current educational needs but also focuses on future requirements. All schools across the country follow single academic calendar. A strict regulation determines the teaching hours and other relevant modalities. The education system comprises cycles and certificates. The levels of education in Equatorial Guinea are: preschool, primary, secondary and higher education. Certificates are the Baccalaureate and higher education diplomas.
Pre School system consists of two stages - a) Pre – nursery and b) Nursery
Education at this level mainly focuses on games and speech learning activities. Children take entry into pre schools when they are 6 years old.
Primary Cycle takes 5 years to complete. Children of 6 to 10 years undergo for first stage and 10 to 12 years for second stage primary cycle education.
Secondary Cycle education leads to award of Baccalaureate for further professional training. Bac is obtained after successfully completing the two cycles of 4 and 3 years respectively.
The Ministry of Education, in conjunction with other ministries, which request specific professional skills, trains senior staff and students who must first pass an Entrance Examination.
The education through Distance Learning is also offered in Equatorial Guinea. This gives learners the opportunity to undertake studies at ease.